It's been a while.
The forests are quiet when I'm in them, so quiet in fact that now whenever I hear a noise or am around any sort of noise in general that it gives me a headache. The silence has become my friend, and yet, my own worst enemy. We have traveled a long way, and by the end of this barrage of updates, you will know what has happened to me over the last 2 weeks. I guarantee most of you won't believe it's true, you'll say "Oh you're making it all up!" but everything I type to you is THE GOD HONEST TRUTH. And I am telling you this because I NEED you to believe me, because one day-soon, possibly-I am going to need your help. Your help to find me if I stop updating. I don't care HOW you find me, I just need you to, or if I am gone, to find whoever has hurt me and bring justice to my life.
My favorite story as a child was Hansel & Gretel. One of the defining things in that story that intrigued me was the fact that though they knew what they were doing was possibly stupid, they still left a trail of breadcrumbs. I am doing the same. I am leaving you these photos. I don't know if you maybe can make something out of the geographical markers in them or what, but you need to pay very close to attention to what I am telling you. This is all very important. This all means something. This could possibly mean whether or not I survive to finish telling you this tale. There's a lot to still go through, but I can't get to it right now. I have to keep on moving; if Silence taught me one thing, it's that staying in one place for too long is risky. They're never that far behind.
Please listen. Please follow my breadcrumbs. And if I need you to, PLEASE SAVE MY LIFE. You are about to hear about the last 2 weeks of my life, and believe doesn't end well.