Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Since I met with Silence, I've just been thinking, about everything.

Why would anyone want to hurt Annie? Annie was...she was just the sweetest girl I've ever known. She was so kind and caring, and just full of life, and the thought that someone would want to kill her destroys me inside. Annie's father died when she was a little girl, and I always thought she might kill herself because of the trauma it caused her, but in the end, she died anyway. Jars may have arranged for it to happen, but Jars made a huge mistake. I'm going to help Silence. She was right. Jars needs to be stopped.

I don't care if Jars sends me a statement telling me that Silence is a liar. I think Jars is the liar. She's been trying to turn me against Silence from the beginning, and she's lost this fight. She will pay for Annie's death. Jars could send me a million things to try and turn me against Silence, but it wouldn't work now. It's too late to be turned against Silence. I've made up my mind and Silence has made it clear who is more willing to help. If Jars really wanted me to hate Silence, she would've met with me, as Silence did.

So prepare yourself Jars. We're coming for you.

This will be for Annie.

Monday, July 30, 2012


The map at the country club or hotel or whatever it was told me to follow a path.
So I followed that path.
I followed it for a good 2 or 3 hours until I reached another woodsy area. I didn't expect it to turn back into woods, considering the place I found was so suburban and nice, but I guess appearances are deceiving. Eventually I wound up on a trail that looked a lot like this.

That little hill down to the side? It lead to an alcove. And down in that alcove...I finally met Silence.

She was not what I was expecting. I can't really say WHO I expected, but not her. She told me to take a seat and that she had a lot to explain. The first was the fact that she knew who I was. As she went deeper into her conversation with me, she revealed what she meant by that; birthdate, parents names, Annie's last name and Annie's parents name. I asked how she knew who Annie was.

She told me that she would explain that later to me. What she did tell me was important was that Jars was dangerous, and that we needed to stop her. I asked her how she even knew who Jars was, or if Jars had an actual name, and while she didn't give me a name, she did tell me that Jars...is her sister. She told me that Jars is trying to kill us, and that we have to be very careful.

At this point, she told me to go home and that she'd contact me again in a few days, a week at the most. I didn't want to leave just yet. I wanted to know how she knew what she knew about Annie, but all she told me was that Jars had had her killed. I still didn't understand...how did Annie and I figure into this? This was clearly between these two, and I still am not sure what we have to do with it...

But the fact that Jars had Annie killed...that kills me inside. Silence was right. At the time, I agreed that Jars needed to be stopped. But it's been a while since our meeting, and I've had some time to just sit and think, and I would fully agree with everything Silence said to me, because her stories were air tight, if not for one statement Jars made:

Friday, July 27, 2012

update #2

Here's that photoset I promised you guys.
I took this one just for reference. I figured it would be good to have one in the daytime just in case anything happened to me and someone found my camera somehow, they would have a better idea of what the place looked like, since the only image I had of it before was of at night.
Tea parties? I don't know. It appeared to be some sort of country club or something.
 Looked like a stage or something in the background. I took further pictures of that.
 I just thought the fountain was a nice touch.
 Here's a better, closer image of the front.
 I think this is the best shot of the place I took.
This is the path that I found behind the house, which you can kind of see in the other pictures. And, I think this is the one that appears on the map Silence and The Artist left me.
Another fountain in the back.
Closer image of the tents.
 Now I was sure this was some sort of club or something.
 The map.
The map, opened. That's that path, and at the end of the path is the X. Where I met Silence, which you will see in my next entry. I have to go now. I have some things to be prepared for.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

text message

I'm sad to say there wasn't much at the place to investigate. I couldn't get inside, but that didn't stop me from staying there. I just slept in the yard. It made me realize what I'm doing.

I was sleeping outside a place I've never seen, because someone I've never met gave me information about my dead girlfriend.

I think I should say this before any of you guys do, but what the hell is wrong with me? I'm was still having trouble trusting Silence at this point, but a few hours into that next day I certainly wasn't having those feelings anymore. I can say with confidence now that Silence has been helping me from the get-go.

I was going to upload some pics of the place-to show it's age, because it did look pretty old-but my camera is dead. I will post another "update" entry with those photos in a day or so. Sorry guys. But I can tell you that the place WAS old looking. It seemed like it had belonged to a large family at one point, and there were these tents outside held up by poles, so maybe they held weddings or something here at one time or another? Judging by my luck though, it won't be weddings, it'll be funerals or....group rape or something.

I was certainly scared out of my mind, moreso than I think I have ever been in my entire life. I mean, what if Silence was just some creepy, old, fat, balding dude who came out and murdered me? But a few hours into that day, I discovered she wasn't. In fact, she was entirely different than I ever expected her to be...I don't know how she got my phone number, but she texted me and for the first time, gave me something more than a single word command or a poem:

"John, it isn't safe for you to stay outside or anywhere near the house. I am being watched. The Artist left something for you on the table. Please go take it. It's a map. You will find me at the destination designated on the map. I will be waiting for you. Please make sure you're not followed, for your sake and mine. We can't come this far and be compromised. It'll have all been worthless if that happens."

That was it. In that update I mentioned I will post photos of the map too. Who was The Artist? Who cares, I told myself, because I was about to meet Silence, finally, after everything that's happened.

And she was not what I expected.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


I left very angrily about 8 days ago, on a mission to find Silence and whatever answers she had for me. I followed the tracks, just as she said, and camped on the side by them for the first 2 nights. On the 3rd day, the tracks ended, as if they had stopped being built, and I just followed the path. I found nothing.
I continued hiking, assuming I was just being lied to. I thought about turning back so many times. I'm glad I didn't. On the 4th day, I discovered this in the bushes.
Silence was leading me right to her. This was it. This was what I had been waiting for for so long, was to meet this girl. Know what she knew about me, and about Annie and why she'd chosen me to mess with, and what she knew about Jars. I had so many questions in my head. On the way uphill, I found this, and I took some pics of it because I thought it was a little strange.

It appeared to be some sort of makeshift power line, directing energy/electricity or something somewhere. I had a feeling I was on the right path. Maybe she was holed up in a shack, with a generator or something. Or maybe a tent. I thought that's where she was. Until that 4th night. That's when I came around the bend and I discovered this.

This was NOT what I had been expecting. I had expected a little shack, a tent, or maybe another abandoned home. Not a freaking cottage. This place was MASSIVE. I don't know if anyone else even knows this place exists, but it's enormous, almost like an estate. I was hesitant to even continue forward. I mean, the rational part of my mind finally has kicked in.

What exactly do I hope to find and how do I even know this isn't some huge elaborate ruse? What if there's no Silence or Jars and it's just some insane lunatic waiting to kill me? But...I've come so far...I couldn't just turn away from all the progress that I had made. Upon heading towards the place, I discovered this.

Another order. So I did. I waited and took some pictures of some of the estate that will be uploaded in the next post. But I don't want to keep you in the dark anymore. There's something you should know.

Silence showed up.
And man have I regretted ever going into that house in the first place.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

update #1

This isn't a real entry, this is just a quick update. I'm home. I've had an interesting 8 days. I will be uploading pics and such over the next week, and discussing what happened and what I found.

And before you asked, I did find something, and I did get answers.

And I didn't like any of them.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I moved to this apartment alone because I was no longer with my girlfriend.

Her name was Annie. We'd been together for about 5 years and I really was thinking about a future with her, until she was killed by a drunk driver. I was so completely ruined by the whole situation, I just couldn't stay where we had been living, so I packed up my things and our dog and I left. The reason I am telling you this is because I discovered what those numbers are.

It's a date. 08(August)03(the 3rd day)12(2012). That's our anniversary. You can send me strange letters and wacky polaroids. You can send me bizarre jars filled with dirt and god knows what else. You can give me commands and orders and cryptic messages and symbols. But when you bring the girl I loved into this, that's when I get furious. I didn't update immediately upon realizing this because I was so angry, anything I wrote wouldn't have been comprehensible.

But this is it. I want answers. I'm tired of digging in dirt and researching stupid symbols. I want some god damned answers and I want them now. So I'm going to follow Silence's order and "follow" the train tracks.

You hear that, Silence?

I am coming for you.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I took the jar outside to open it, because I didn't want my apartment to smell like hell. I'm glad I did. I don't know what was in that thing, but I myself stank afterwards just by being in close proximity with it.
That's what was inside after I did a little digging. I don't know what the key is to, but it doesn't look that old, so Jars must've had it made recently at least.
And then there's the note. Well, it actually wasn't much of a note, it was just random numbers.
080312. Maybe a code or something. I don't really know. All I know is that I'm about at my wits end. At first I thought that maybe the key went to the house next door, but...the place was abandoned, and also torn down, so sending it to me would be pretty stupid. The writing on the numbers looks like Jars handwriting, which isn't surprising considering that's who sent the Jar.

I need to go lay down.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


I got this today, not even in an envelope this time. Just sitting on my doorstep under a rock. My camera was dead and charging so I took this with my webcam.

Silence, I don't know what you want at this point. First you tell me to dig, then you tell me to open, and now you tell me to follow. I'm really becoming frustrated at this point, but I've followed your commands so far, and now I'm making one of my own.

Meet with me.

If you meet with me, I will follow you anywhere and follow any of your commands. Just let me see you, once and for all.

And by the way, I'm opening that jar tomorrow. God knows what I'll find.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Over the last 2 days, I've been digging. I had to do it either at night or early in the morning when nobody was around, but yesterday afternoon everyone on my street had gone to the downtown 4th of july weekend bbq and I realized I had a good patch of daylight to work in. It's hard to dig and hold a flashlight at the same time.

I really didn't think I would find anything. I always think that. I should know better by now. I found something, you guys. Something big. Something that might change this entire thing.

I pulled these out of a hole I dug. It's another polaroid and something else. I didn't even want to know what the container was after receiving that last package, but here we are.

Remember that letter I got? Those weird symbols on the side of the envelope? Someone did some research and informed me that it meant teeth.
That's what's inside this thing. You'll notice the white strip of paper wrapped around it, but don't bother asking about it. There's no identifying information. It'd all been blacked out with marker or something. The teeth was weird, but at least I understand now what Silence had been leading me to. Who's teeth are they? No idea. Maybe she'll tell me but I highly doubt that. She doesn't seem to like to tell me much of anything. And I can't really take them to a dentist or a forensic scientist without it seeming like I murdered someone. I mean, where else would I obtain these teeth? So, I'm stuck. But that isn't what bothered me. The polaroid is what bothered me.
"Open". Another command. This bothers me on a few different levels. First off, the package said "Silence is a liar", which means Silence didn't send the package. So if she didn't send it, how did she take this photo? Secondly, why would she be telling me to open something that apparently neither of us knows what it is. But, her commands led me to this point, and I'm going to just listen to her, frustrating as she is sometimes.

So that's where we are. I'm gonna open that jar. I don't know what I'll find, exactly, but I know it'll lead me somewhere else.

Silence, if you're somehow reading this, I hope you know what you're doing...

Sunday, July 1, 2012


I don't know what to do. I'm really at the end of my wits here. Silence is telling me to do things and I don't understand why I'm doing them. This other person who sent me this package, who I've named Jars (creative, right?) is telling me not to trust Silence, but with no real substancial evidence why. Meanwhile I'm stuck in the middle here, confused as all hell. I no longer think this is someone pranking me. This is serious.

I've now finally realized something though. Jars just sent me a weird package and a cryptic message, whereas Silence has give me actual advice. A poem. Silence is leading me to something, but I have no idea what. The only option is to follow. I asked a friend of mine who studies graphology at the college in my town what he thought of the poem and the writing on the envelopes. I didn't tell him what is was from, just asked him, and he says it's a female writing it. So Silence is a girl...well, I realized that the things that she is sending me are not suggestions or statements.

They're orders.

She's commanding me to do something. So I'm going to follow them. And what a better way to start than with the one that she sent me to begin with, and DIG.


Opened my front door about 45 minutes ago and was greeted by this.
Whoever sent this knows Silence by that name, which means they're following this blog. That really worries me. This makes Silence's signature all the more real, about "not saying anything". Maybe I should stop updating...or remove the blog entirely, if someone else is now following it, and possibly trying to confuse me even more. More importantly, you'll notice they went out of their way to scratch off any information regarding where it came from. I didn't want to, but I opened it.

I have absolutely no idea what this person is trying to show me or tell me. It looked like mud and dirt or something, but as for what they're trying to inform me of, I'm totally lost. How does this jar make Silence a liar? And if Silence is a liar, what are they lying about? Didn't want to open this either, it stank like hell, but I went against my better judgement and almost threw up because of it.
I don't know what the living hell that thing in the middle is. It's not food, I can tell you that much. It stank too much like a living thing. Or...part of a living thing. Whatever it is, I am not touching it. I shut it back up and put it in my cardboard, wrapped in bubblewrap in the box. Who is Jars? What is Silence lying about?
And more importantly, what the hell did Jars send me? Actually, my biggest question isn't any of those.

It's what will someone send me next?