Thursday, July 26, 2012

text message

I'm sad to say there wasn't much at the place to investigate. I couldn't get inside, but that didn't stop me from staying there. I just slept in the yard. It made me realize what I'm doing.

I was sleeping outside a place I've never seen, because someone I've never met gave me information about my dead girlfriend.

I think I should say this before any of you guys do, but what the hell is wrong with me? I'm was still having trouble trusting Silence at this point, but a few hours into that next day I certainly wasn't having those feelings anymore. I can say with confidence now that Silence has been helping me from the get-go.

I was going to upload some pics of the place-to show it's age, because it did look pretty old-but my camera is dead. I will post another "update" entry with those photos in a day or so. Sorry guys. But I can tell you that the place WAS old looking. It seemed like it had belonged to a large family at one point, and there were these tents outside held up by poles, so maybe they held weddings or something here at one time or another? Judging by my luck though, it won't be weddings, it'll be funerals rape or something.

I was certainly scared out of my mind, moreso than I think I have ever been in my entire life. I mean, what if Silence was just some creepy, old, fat, balding dude who came out and murdered me? But a few hours into that day, I discovered she wasn't. In fact, she was entirely different than I ever expected her to be...I don't know how she got my phone number, but she texted me and for the first time, gave me something more than a single word command or a poem:

"John, it isn't safe for you to stay outside or anywhere near the house. I am being watched. The Artist left something for you on the table. Please go take it. It's a map. You will find me at the destination designated on the map. I will be waiting for you. Please make sure you're not followed, for your sake and mine. We can't come this far and be compromised. It'll have all been worthless if that happens."

That was it. In that update I mentioned I will post photos of the map too. Who was The Artist? Who cares, I told myself, because I was about to meet Silence, finally, after everything that's happened.

And she was not what I expected.


  1. That's it???? COME ON MAN!

  2. I'm sorry, as I said in the last comment thread, I am trying to be careful and kind of quiet right now in case Jars or god forbid anyone else is watching me. I will be uploading the photo set update tomorrow with pics of the map and some of the building.

    But don't worry, by next major update you will finally see Silence on camera.
